Snow Day Sewing

My area of the country was threatened with 5 to 7 inches of snow for Friday so most of the area, after they cleaned out the grocery stores on Thursday, stayed home.  I did not hit the grocery store but I was one of those preparing my mind for shoveling the walkway and taking awesome quilt photos in the snow.   Like this lovely Checker block from the Beehive Quilt block series.  This is for the January Queen who wanted all solids that were reminiscent of sea glass. Well, I only got about one inch of snow and it only covered the grass in the yard and nothing stuck to the walkways or the roads.  So, I really could have gotten to and from work instead of bringing my lap top home.  So, after I did a little bit of work stuff I was able to start my Snow Day sewing.  

I had started a table runner last week and it was a bit large for that purpose so it is now going to be a quilt. My initial fabric pull consisted of this combination of navy and pistachio green.  Since I decided to change this into a quilt I made another fabric pull that consisted of aqua and purple inspired by that Kate Spain fabric on the top left.   I’m planning on doing each section inspired by two color stories and using the same Checker block that I showed earlier in this post. The first two sections look fab together!  I’m looking forward to getting this one finished.  I’ve got three more sections currently in the works and all the fabrics are entirely from my stash!  I may have to replace the white with grey low volumes since I believe I will be using all I currently have.

Speaking of Stash:

The last of my Christmas fabric shopping arrived recently from The Intrepid Thread.  I love this black and white selection.  These pretties have already made it into some projects:  I’ve got some wide backing coming soon from Massdrop so I hope to have another quilt finished sooner rather than later.  I hope all that are snowbound are getting some awesome Snow Day sewing done!


10 thoughts on “Snow Day Sewing

  1. Liz says:

    I like your fabric pulls! And I think the color story will work well on your runner-turned-quilt. Looks great so far!

  2. mindingmomma says:

    I haven’t used navy in a top other than patriotic designs, I really like it with the pistachio. Great mix.

  3. helenjean says:

    popped over via molli sparkles sunday stash. I’m glad Jonas wasn’t too hard on you, we were watching on tv from the uk as the storm swept down the coast. I love the combination of blue and teal you have used, both in the bee block and the runner

  4. Cara says:

    It’s beautiful!

  5. Kat says:

    Hey! I came over from Freshly Pieced because your gorgeous colors caught my eye. This is going to be such a cool quilt. One thing, I think the lowest left teal/navy block might be turned the wrong way? Or is that just part of the design? Feel free to tell me to butt out, just didn’t want you to get too far into it if it is turned wrong 🙂

    • crossquilt says:

      No problem, I did that on purpose. I like things to be symmetrical but not too symmetrical. 😊 I was actually annoyed at myself once I noticed the second row was symmetrical. Thanks for the kind words.

  6. Sewing from my stash is always satisfying, and your growing quilt from the table runner is looking awesome!

  7. Very pretty piece, like the colors. Looks like you had a great snow day.

  8. JanineMarie says:

    I love the way you are laying out these blocks, especially with the little strip borders around each section. I will definitely be back to see your progress. Snow day sewing is the best!! (even when–or maybe especially when–you didn’t get what you were expecting.)

  9. Vicki in MN says:

    I love how this is coming together. Always fun to see a simple block turn out so interesting when more are added to it.

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